I wrote a LOOOOONG post about a week ago and then the internet ate it. Shit.
Anyway, here's the brief update:
I participated in a talk at UW for a graduate level epidemiology class on vaccines. I was on the panel with two other moms who had chosen either to not vaccinate or to partially vaccinate. Also on the panel was a very cool, very knowledgeable pediatrician who sees several kids whose parents choose not to vaccinate, but who herself vaccinated her children. She was so astoundingly educated on all sides of the vaccine debate, it was refreshing to meet a doc who believes people should be allowed to learn and make their own decisions.
I immediately approached her after the talk, introduced myself and asked if I could shadow her. She was very enthusiastic, loves teaching, often has students and gave me her card to call the office and begin. So i did. And I went. I shadowed her for the first time a few days later for a couple hours (Thank you clayton and melissa for babysitting - it was a holiday) and it was FANTASTIC!!! The experience completely reinvigorated me for med school. Huzzah!
Doctor D not only let me follow her around, but encouraged me to talk to patients, listen to chests on stethoscopes, inspect bum rashes and look in mouths and ears. Very exciting. I will be going back Friday and then not again until January (she has another student in there for December). The one day I spent there certainly made me consider peds... but we'll see when I actually get into rotations how much i can take sick kids...
At the hospital, I went on rounds last week and was informed that I will start taking BPs of burn patients who are enrolled in the next study (beginning January) so that will give me some more patient contact there as well. Hurray! But mostly I'm still doing paperwork. It's truly neverending.
Lucy is doing WONDERFULLY at her new daycare (knocking on wood furiously). There have been almost NO tears at all, she has good days and is not at all traumatized. Wow. WTF took me so long to change. Seriously. I love this place. She has already learned to put on her coat by herself (do you remember when you learned to flip a coat upside down over your head? Well, it's the friggin cutest thing ever) and they really do encourage self-sufficiency there. I'm so happy with the place.
We're going on a big vacation next week - first to Florida to see bubbie and nonnie (my mom and grandmother) and then all 5 of us (4 generations of Gilbertsen-Bluestone-Streiker-Peller women plus Todd) are heading over to Miami and off on a cruise! I'm very much looking forward to a nice long vacation. Aaaaahhhh
I'm at a kung fu plateau at the moment. I've been training often and hard and I've really focused on my sparring skills - I know that's what Sifu wants to see me improve and i really really have... a lot... - but everything else has faltered. And now my body is beginning to rebel against all the pressure I'm placing on it. I'm beginning to wonder if i haven't strained my groin, but anyway, my hip is in a lot of pain when I do certain things. It all started when I started PT, which has helped my back, but perhaps since it's no longer compensating for my hips, they are paying dearly. Alas. I'll see a doctor if it doesn't get better with the two week vacation from KF.
I've been training at the gym as well - ran into Master Eddie, my TKD instructor from a couple years back, at the gym. It was great to see him, and he was enthusiastic about my black belt test and promised to come and check it out when it ever gets set up. OY. I'm still waiting to find out and that's really beginning to drive me nuts. I realize that I won't hear until a few months before the test, so probably not until January at least, but still... it's driving me nuts not knowing.
I skipped class yesterday AND today (went to the gym today) but i'm giving my hip a little rest.
Anyway, that's the update. In a nutshell. I'm frantic the rest of the week getting everything ready for the trip, plus I have the hospital tomorrow and Doctor D on Friday.... Did i mention that I've switched Lucy over to Doctor D? We'll be going to see her in a few weeks. I love her.