Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nothing of interest - A lesson in derm.

I really don't have anything of interest to say so I thought I'd post a couple quotes from my derm module:

From a slide of a gory blistery arm: 
"Most common chronic, autoimmune, subepidermal, blistering disease"
Which begs the question, what is the LEAST common chronic, autoimmune, subepidermal, blistering disease?

A resident lecturer's statement on another disease:
"For as benign as this is, it can kill you."

And from another lecturer:
"In no particular order, this appears in red, blue and white.  White first, then blue and then red."
In other words, in no particular order except in the reverse order from which they were stated.

And finally, upon seeing a picture of a child with impetigo and asking questions, Lucy wanted to know, "What does that feel like to the germs?"
To which I replied (while tickling her face of course), "mmmmmm yummy face!"


Sarv said...

Do those guys have a sense of humor or what? My favorite was the "no particular order."

hira said...

No, they have NO sense of humor! It's for real!

Clayton said...

That bit about the "no particular order" is especially funny.

Auntie Sassy said...

What would happen to your grade if you pointed this out to them? Because if you haven't already, you really, really should.