Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hark the herald daycare sings

We went to visit a new daycare possibility today - oh man, it was GREAT. Todd and Sarv and Lucy and I all went - Lucy played happily in all the rooms and the playground while the grownups talked. It was a bigger place - different rooms for all the age groups - but a similar ratio. 12 kids to 2 teachers in her group's room. We first met the director, a lovely woman who had nothing but great things to say about their philosophy. It's all about emotional development, allowing the kids to do what they do best and not interfering, facilitating communication, and most of all, playing.

(in other words, no pressure or academic "achievement" bullshit)

They don't do time-outs or other punitive actions to get them to do what grownups want them to do and they help the kids make their own decisions

Then Anne, the other director-type, gave us the tour.

It's clean! And spacious. And the caregivers are loving and wonderful.

It's across the street from UW.

It's fantastic.

I swear, while Anne was talking to me, after a while it wasn't words that I was hearing, but a soft hum that turned into glorious music as the angels sung.

There is more and more at her current daycare that bugs me and all those issues are addressed here, and more... it's what I want for Lucy.

I know the transition will be very difficult, they always are, but in the long run it's really going to be worth it. I know it's a good place, I can feel it.

Now we just have to hope that we get in. There is no space right now, but they are doing a little shuffling around so she said there might be space soon. I just need to call her next week to find out. Fingers are very very crossed.

Harborview is great. Yesterday I still did charts, but I'm increasingly grateful that charts is my intro to the burn floor. I see burn victims in the hall, and hear children crying, I'm definitely not quite ready to go on rounds. I'm slowly being introduced to what it's all about by being on the floor and reading charts. Soon I'll be ready for rounds, but not yet.

Tomorrow: more charts, i'm sure.

I work with an extremely irritating territorial premed student who is there ALL THE TIME. I think she must not have a life outside of academia. I think she is increasingly annoyed that I know what I'm doing (it's really not that hard) and that i've only been there for 3 days - she didn't have to hold my hand after the first day.

Anyway, other than that, it's fantastic.

I went to the gym a couple days ago - a session with my trainer, Matt... I'm so fucking sore right now. Yesterday, I could seriously barely walk. But it's good for me, right?


There is a big weekend of training coming up - 7 star's 25th anniversary - Koré is coming, as well as several hand-to-hand people and there will be a big gala on Saturday night complete with demos from all around. Should be really fun and I'm almost certain that Sifu and Sifu Michelle will be promoted to 5th degree since Sigung (excuse me, PROFESSOR) just got promoted. to 8th degree. Yay!

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