Tuesday, October 07, 2008


So, I think that title pretty much says it all. I'm busy, exhausted, overwhelmed, and LOVING IT!

This Thursday is my first (of many) exams. From here on out, we have at least one per week. It's a bit crazed. I'm feeling pretty good about Pathology (you all saw my nerdy immunology posting), though there is still some studying to be done for the next 2 days. Meanwhile, it will be closely followed by my nemesis, Anatomy. Written and Practical. Nemesis. And then...

In any case, I am so excited to be here, I am learning so much and I am STILL feeling good about it. My dad has been here helping out a few weeks, which has made it really easy on me, so I will be sad to see him go home next week. I pretty much get up, go to class, study... then I pick up Lucy around 5, hang out with her and the family until bedtime, whereupon I retreat to my office and study until the lids droop. Usually around 10:30. Lucy has gotten as much mama as she needs, but unfortunately, I think Papa Todd is getting the raw end of this. I have school, Lucy, and that's about it.

I had to cut out my Tuesday Kung Fu class since I am feeling a bit pressed upon. Starting next month, I'll just have once a week. On the bright side of that, I have fully eight people on my roster! It will be nice when they are all there on the same day. It will feel like a real kung fu class. I have 3 teenage girls - 8th graders, which makes me very happy. They are nerdy reader girls (they all know each other from a book club) and they are having a great time at kung fu! One of them told me this evening that she has tried a lot of different classes and she never stuck with it because none ever clicked for her. Until now. I can't tell you how happy that made me.

I am making friends as well, which makes the whole thing tolerable. I have my crowd and they are a diverse and wonderful people. I find myself laughing hysterically throughout the day, which honestly makes it all worth it.

In family news, I don't know if I've mentioned our Halloween costumes this year.... but stay posted for photos. I think they will be awesome. If you don't know, I will just tell you that Lucy has been obsessed with body parts, cells, blood, and germs...

I'd better get on the stick and make the costumes already!

And with that, my friends, I am headed back to another fun-filled late night of Anatomy and Pathology.... wish me luck on Thursday.


Clayton said...

I can't wait to see the halloween costumes!

I wish I could be there to go trick-or-treating with y'all again.

Auntie Sassy said...

Good Luck on Thursday!

As far as Papa Todd goes, maybe you could put Lucy to bed, light some candles and have some dessert (literally and figuratively). And then snuggle. And then get an hour of studying in if you have to.