Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More wrenches in my machine

So it turns out i have a fucking labral tear. Just like todd (i think it must be contagious. fucker.)

I seem to have caught it early that it could heal, provided i take real good care of it. Which is going to be really easy now that i have a fucking BLACK BELT TEST coming.

Oh yeah. And a disc problem. Seems that my back issue and hip issue are pretty unrelated and they both FUCKING SUCK ASSES as far as my kung fu training goes.

I'm going to quit harborview, basically so that I have time to do the Physical Therapy, deep tissue massage, acupuncture, and whatever the fuck it takes to care for my hip - so that I don't have to slow down on training and can take my test in 5 months.


Tomorrow: Physics. I'm going to flee when test scores are given.

1 comment:

Auntie Sassy said...

This is all the suck. :(

I guess for now I can only hope that your physics test wasn't as bad as you thought.

We shall discuss the physical therapy stuff the next time I see you.