Monday, September 11, 2006

One of Those Days

You know those days, the ones you tend to call "just one of those days", well...

First, Lucy collapsed into sobs upon learning it was a daycare day. Throughout the two hours of getting ready - diapers, getting dressed, my shower, fixing breakfast, more diapers, nursing - there was the constant interjection of "I DON'T WANNA GO TO DAYCARE!" and "can we read some books before we go?" "can we nurse from both boobs before we go?" "I'm just playing with my trains for a few minutes first" "can we I DON'T WANNA GO TO DAYCARE!"

We finally got loaded up into the car and she sobbed the whole way to daycare, wailing "I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU TOAY MAMAAAAA!" When we got into daycare, it was the usual morning dropoff chaos, a boy a little older than lucy was crying for his daddy, and somebody had taken a REALLY stinky poop that was filling the whole house with an unbelievable stench. Lucy added to the chaos her own brand of sadness and it was a complete picture. She seemed ok when i left, though, distracted by talking about Octopuses - she has new octopus shoes she was proud to show off and she told Kathy about the big octopus she saw at the aquarium "yesterday" (the generic word for something that happened before today) and they have eight long arms called tentacles!

So I needed the gym after that. I had packed my bag so i was ready to go - i got down there, found a parking space and went inside. Got down to the lockers, changed, got my iPod ready and then looked for my shoes. SHIT! I forgot my gym shoes. Not only that, but the little scrap of paper that has my workout on it seems to have been lost. I'm lost without it, but I suppose i'll manage somehow.

Well, i needed new shoes anyway, so I decided to go up to the Running Company and get a new pair, forgetting about my freakishly small feet and the impossibility of finding shoes at a store (thank god for I walk in, tell the guy my size and he says, "hmmm.... lets see what we have..." and comes out with 3 boxes! "You found something!" I exclaim, but he pulls out a size 5 and a half and two size 6 pairs... i try them on to humor him, he tries to convince me that i need 3/4 of an inch past my big toe, i thank him and leave.

Another errand, as long as i'm on the hill - we need a new sleeper couch and there's a sleep store up on Pine. I go in and check it out. They have 3 sleeper couches - one that's incredibly hard and uncomfortable as a sleeper and as a sofa and two that are ok as sofas but terrible beds. OY!

0 for 3

I came home.

My first day off and I'm not getting anything done.

Perhaps I'll go for a bike ride or something
And make my MCAT study plan and start studying Physics
And finish washing the sheets, make the beds, clean the kitchen and ...
And find a nanny
and sign up for the AWMAI conference and 7 star weekend

And so forth

And it's already noon!

At least tonight i have regular class and then black/brown class at 7 star.

1 comment:

Auntie Sassy said...

I have yuck sinuses, so no class for me tonight. I'm hoping that I feel better by tomorrow.

And I'm sorry the Luci-fer hates daycare. I wish I could just take her to work with me, but I fear software testing would be even more horrifying for her.