Friday, June 01, 2007

Still Here...

Things have been smooth and busy lately, hence the blog inactivity. I just wanted to mention that my test is in THREE WEEKS (from tomorrow)!!!! I'm feeling pretty good - I'm just training as much as possible while still getting another A in Physics (seriously) and also taking care of my little one.

Sarv was here for a couple weeks, which was great! We miss him. I'm feeling sad and empty-housed now that he's gone (and Todd is out and Lucy's asleep).

Lu has been a real doll these past couple weeks. I find that my patience is often quite limited lately, but I'm trying to get a handle on it. Tonight I joked with her about how my patience was getting smaller and was the size of a walnut, so if she didn't get her #$%&! pajamas on it would get even smaller. Well, kinda joked. She thought it was funny. She hadn't napped and was asleep in a few short minutes after hitting the pillow....

She's been preoccupied with death lately. It's disconcerting. It's hard for me to be reassuring when I'm so uncertain about my beliefs there. I tell her that only our body dies and that our spirit lives on afterwards. She also asks a lot of questions about people who have died, like Jimmy, her grandfather (Todd's dad), Grampa's parents and asks why they died. She doesn't want to die and is afraid of it.

We also talk about how to keep our bodies healthy, which is certainly where I feel much more comfortable. She's so confident in her understanding of that - "I'll never eat that bad junk food ever!" Tee hee. When she asked why her grandfather (Todd's dad again) got sick enough to die, I told her that he didn't take care of his body and did things that were very bad for it and eventually it couldn't repair itself. She then asked what sorts of things keep our body healthy (hurray!) and I told her about eating healthy grow foods and moving around and playing all the time. What fun!

So, did I mention that I'm testing for my black belt?

I had my last Physics class of the quarter today. Final's on Tuesday. As long as I don't totally screw the pooch on the final (possible) I'll be getting my A! Hurray! Who'da thunk...

Then the ridiculous MCAT prep class and O. Chem. My Summer is gonna suck. It may prove to be too much, in which case I'll have to decide whether or not to continue with O. Chem or the MCAT class. Dropping the MCAT class and postponing my MCAT basically postpones my med school application for a year. O. Chem can wait, but I wouldn't be able to take biochem in time, which would be a drag... I'm weighing my options and waiting to see just how completely crazy it is to do both. At least I won't be preparing for my black belt any more.

Lucy started kung fu! And she loves it. She is also doing gymnastics and she is fantastic! She really throws herself into it and has a great time. I'm so impressed by her. I'm letting her lead the way and let me know if she wants to let any of it go - there's a circus class I'd love for her to try, but seriously... anyway, she's so excited to go to both things that we have been unable to drop either. We'll see how it goes next session when she'll probably have a different teacher in gymnastics. That could change everything. Of course not with kung fu - Tristan teaches the little ones and she adores Tristan.

I guess that's the update for now....

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